
Basic Policy on Financial Reporting

  1. We provide true and fair information (financial reporting) to investors, shareholders, financial institutions, employees, business partners, and other stakeholders by properly managing invested capital and reflecting the results in financial statements with appropriate accounting. We also promptly and exhaustively collect financial information to be disclosed, and fully and accurately disclose it in a timely manner in accordance with laws and regulations.
  2. We strive to reduce and prevent the risk of improper financial reporting through timely and proper understanding of information that has a material impact on the Company’s business performance and financial position.
  3. We establish systems (internal control over financial reporting) to prevent errors in the process of preparing financial reports and clarify the propriety of the process.
  4. All executives and employees recognize that the reliability of financial reporting and the establishment of effective systems for that purpose are essential to the management of the Company, and understand the severity of the risk of failure to timely and properly detect and prevent falsifications in financial reporting.
  5. All executives and employees always bear in mind that all operational processes are connected to financial reporting, and recognize that they are responsible for correctly preparing financial reports.
  6. All executives and employees take prompt action to improve operations and correct any deficiencies in the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting.
  7. All executives and employees recognize that the Company is a social entity and that compliance with laws and regulations is essential for the Company’s survival, strive to perform their duties in compliance with established internal rules and regulations, and fulfill their responsibilities fairly and in good faith.

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