Technology of Facility Management and Operation

The operation of air-conditioning equipment occupies a large proportion - 30 to 50% - of total building energy consumption, so that making it possible to visualize the operational status of the air conditioning equipment is a short cut to finding improvements to save energy, costs, and labor in the entire building facility.

Although there are relatively many points to reduce energy consumption of air conditioning equipment, some customers have not made specific improvements because the amount of energy consumed by each one is not understood. In addition to introducing energy-saving measures for lighting and office equipment, optimizing the operation of the air conditioning equipment by understanding the improvement points leads to energy savings for the entire building.

We respond quickly and at a low cost to these issues and are working on the development of hardware and software related to facility management and operation that can handle "energy-creating" and "smart grids" in the near future. At each of the Circle Points of Measure, Analysis, Operation Improvement/Renewal (Do), and Evaluation, the products we develop can be used as tools that help energy-saving, cost-saving, and labor-saving over the lifecycle of customers' buildings.

Diagram: Cycle based on measurement of actual operations

Owned Technologies

  • Surface Measurement Technology
  • Engineering Operations based on Operational Experience
  • Analysis and Evaluation Technology for Facility Data
  • Sensing Technology

Development Products/Technology

  • Equipment management: Data collection and analysis software GODA®, measurement, analysis and evaluation Total System MAT®
  • Equipment operation: Operational improvement service E-COntrol, integrated power-saving system, Takasago integrated heat source system
  • Energy management systems (BEMS/FEMS): GDoc™