
Diversity and Inclusion Empowerment of Women

We are actively promoting the hiring of female employees, and we have set up a system that makes it possible for almost all female employees to be able to advance their career to a management position. To do this, we have abolished the general position in the human resources system and switched to a career-track position, including the so-called localization model. We have set numerical targets for the appointment of women in management positions, and we are also considering expanding the fields where women can actively work to include on-site construction and design, and research and development, as well as regularly holding seminars on the career development and skills improvement of female employees.
In addition to the appointment of women in management positions, we are also implementing a range of initiatives aimed at creating a workplace environment where all female employees can demonstrate their full capabilities and work with vitality.

Dialogue between the President and Female Employees

In October 2021, we held a talk session between President Kojima and female employees at the Company. It was an opportunity for President Kojima to exchange opinions with the female employees on ways to advance the careers of women and about female participation overall.

Meet and Talk Event with Female Employees

On November 22, 2022, we held the first Meet and Talk Event with Female Employees.
To commemorate the 100th anniversary of our founding in 2023, we are planning to hold the First TakasaGo! Woman Pride event for all female employees. About 20 female employees from the head office and branches gathered at the head office building to attend this meet and talk event, which was a prelude to TakasaGo! Woman Pride.
The event started with opening remarks from President Kojima, who commented on the importance of promoting the active participation of women in the Company as an absolutely essential first step in diversity management. The participants enthusiastically discussed topics such as issues to resolve in the Company, and the issues and risks that women can contribute to. This event was also extremely effective as a new networking opportunity for women working in different branches. We received positive feedback from the participants, including “I became aware of how important it is to actively promote diversity and inclusion” and “This was a productive meeting, in which we were able to meet in person and discuss issues in the Company.”

Learn about Our Other ESG Initiatives