
Sustainability Management Sustainability Policy

Fundamental Principles
of Sustainability

Under our Company creed and management philosophy, we aim to achieve sustainable growth and enhance our corporate value by putting the Takasago Way into practice.

  1. We incorporate initiatives to resolve sustainability issues (including ESG issues) into our business activities as part of our business.
  2. We aim to properly respond to risks pertaining to sustainability issues and take advantage of opportunities for profit.
  3. We work together with all stakeholders, including those in the supply chain.
  4. As an Environment-Creator™, we strive to provide environmentally friendly technologies and services.
  5. We understand our customers’ needs and constantly strive to provide quality that exceeds their expectations.
  6. We strive to enhance employee engagement by creating work environments that are comfortable and motivating, for example by promoting fair and equitable treatment, diversity, and health management.
  7. We strictly adhere to corporate ethics and otherwise promote fair and transparent management.
  8. Our top executives lead by example, and all executives and employees work with a strong sense of mission and passion.

Environment (E)

Social (S)

Governance (G)